Monday, 20 October 2008


The first assignment is in.

I'm relieved, but extremely anxious at the same time. The fear of the unknown, will I pass? I might not know for weeks.

I found the assignment a good exercise in research and as a result learned a lot, especially in computer languages.

The precision required when using the assignment template as well as becoming familiar with InDesign will hopefully be applicable to my design and website developer orientated work.

I feel the amount of time we were given, as perhaps made me a little more doubting of my work, as its given me time to over analyse and evaluate, I maybe have changed things unnecessarily because of this.

Has deadline day loomed I felt quite relaxed as I'd pretty much done what I thought was a polished finished copy the week before. Some proof reading from a friend soon increased the pressure as he found seven SPG mistakes. Have I missed more?

I was the first to hand in, this was maybe not the best thing to do half way through a college day as I noticed a few people enjoyed watching me squirm. Hearing little things through out the rest of the day made me worry if I'd remembered everything.

All I can do now is wait. Next time around I don't think there is a lot I could do different, maybe just hang fire a little with the handing in of the assignment and get it proof read much earlier. Most of all I need to relax a little more (not to the point where I become careless); maybe I'm putting myself under too much pressure. If I have made mistakes, I am going to learn from them. .

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Time, a commodity

Going back into education after an eight year hiatus was very daunting. Walking into class the first day to find I was the last to arrive was quite intimidating. Some ice breaking exercises soon eased my initial anxieties. There’s a great mix of ages and backgrounds which has made me feel very much part of the group.

I was a little bit disappointed about only having the time to attend the HNC course. Leaving my job as a graphic designer to attend the HND course was never a serious consideration. I have managed to put any regret behind me for now.

It’s week four of the course and I’m finding it quite time consuming. Getting on with the first assignment, holding down a job four days a week, seeing my girlfriend and keeping up with other commitments is hard to juggle.

Any spare time is very much a luxury. On the other hand keeping busy, meeting new people and constantly learning new things as made me feel motivated and driven. Since starting the course I have become much more inquisitive in general.

I’m really enjoying the course, but I must learn to manage my time better. With my newly found motivation I’m finding it hard to fully concentrate on the job at hand, whether it’s work, my social life, the assignment or weekly self study tasks there’s always something else in my thoughts that I need to do. I don’t think this will be healthy for my development over the duration of the course. Do I need to prioritise and be more structured with my time? I think so.